Saturday, August 26, 2006

I love to do this in my car seat

Besides enjoying the car ride, I also love to bite my seat belt. Mummy don't allow me to do that, she's worried that it will cut my gums and my delicate lips. ok ok ok, I will not bite the belts but here comes my legs... ha ha...

Saturday, August 12, 2006

4th Moms & Babes Gathering

Well this is our 4th gathering with all my Dec friends. This time Aunty Sinmei is our host, we have baby biscuits as door gift. Thank you Aunty Sinmei!! You can see that all of us enjoy it so much.

Sitting here with me is Tricia mei mei, we are born 3 days apart. We both enjoy our snack biscuits. Tricia, the biscuit is nice right? Hmmm… can I have another one pls?

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Angmoh friends

We met some angmoh friends at the zoo, and the jiejie with blue cap wanted to carry me. I refused to. Heehee… The baby jiejie is very cute. Mummy says she got big lovely blue eyes! Mummy wished I had blue eyes too!

*Mummy, if I got blue eyes, Daddy will come after you!*

Baboons - Check it out!

Mummy and I were checking out the Baboons. Don’t know why they just keep running around and picking each others head. But mummy enjoys it. She say they are so loving. Blah…

First Zoo Trip

Today Daddy & Mummy were on leave and we are going to the zoo.
YES It’s MY first trip to the zoo!! Yippeeee!!!